Friday, August 26, 2016

What's your Myers Briggs Personality Type?


I learned something new about myself today. I'm not an introvert!

I have spent so much time with my kiddos, and often enjoy when plans get cancelled, that I really thought I derived my energy from being alone. I've been wanting to be alone every day for the last... ever. At least, since I've had children. As a result, any time I get that can be considered quiet time- whether during a rare simultaneous nap or a really slow day at work- I tend to isolate myself and think (too much). But I have been noticing lately that I'm much worse off by myself in those times, than if I were to reach out and connect with a family member or friend on the phone, or (even better) in person. I convince myself that I just need some me time, but now I'm thinking "me time" can be more invigorating if I include other people in those plans.

Haha, just when I think I know myself so well. Sometimes a quick and unofficial Meyers Briggs Personality Test can change your perspective and realize why you've been so... blah lately. At least I can say this for myself.

With this info, I'm actually going to set a goal to connect with someone every day... like, in real conversation. Not text. Not Facebook. Not emailing. Not voice messages. Because the way I've been feeling lately has been pretty damn painful, and I thought it was just a Prozac poop out. 

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