Wednesday, August 13, 2014


My personal favorite definition of courage is this: 

Brené Brown has taught me that living vulnerably is courageous. Living authentically, with a heightened awareness of yourself, and embracing your feelings, both good and bad, is courageous. Not being afraid to be misunderstood, going forth with purpose, knowing that I have been brought into this world because I have something to offer it, is courageous. 

Do you feel misunderstood? Do you feel scared to tell your truth because sharing your pain could possibly hurt others? Do you feel like you can't post the hard stuff because it's too open to scrutiny? 

Here's my vulnerable statement today: 
I've blamed myself for everything that ever happens in my relationships, and it has gotten me nowhere. I feel a certain conviction that I must find my responsibility in every situation, because it's an opportunity to empower myself to change that circumstance. 

What I'm learning, is that this is great for recognizing that you were the reason you got fired from your job, (not because your boss just hates you, or the Universe is cruel, etc.) but this is not great when you get into the dynamics of your relationships.  

When people don't like me or don't find that I add value to their lives, I think it's really important to reach out to the people who understand, who know me and love me, and want the best for me. It's not self-centered (like I often feel I am, because that's how I can make sense of it), it's simply to survive. If you don't have people who know you, and who love you for all that you are, you won't get very far. 

If you've ever felt that way, please create a net of people to help catch you when you take on the burden of blaming yourself. Let them reinforce the goodness they see in you. And when you feel bad four hours later, reach out to them again. Do this until you love yourself and have your own affirmations.

If you're in a place where you can't be there for others, because you need to work on yourself, just know you don't have to feel guilty about that.

You are a good person. You are already forgiven. You add value to people's lives. 
You are worthy of love. 

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