Sunday, September 28, 2014

Paper vs. Cleaning

Today, I have a pretty big assignment due. There's a paper I have to write every two weeks that records my findings in my microbiology lab. Ironically, the only thing I want to do when a big assignment is due, is clean. Which brings me to the following questions: 

1. Do I want to clean to avoid the paper altogether? 

2. Do I feel as though cleaning will clear my head in order to put more focus and energy into the paper? 

3. With cleaning- and papers- not being my forte, am I subconsciously admitting to myself that I think I'd be better at cleaning than writing a paper (and all in all, that's not saying very much for my cleaning skills)? 

4. Is it (indirectly) harnessed anxiety? 

5. Am I cleaning to contribute something to the household before I fall off the map and focus on my paper? (i.e. guilt)

The answer is "all of the above" but I guess I just got curious as to which point is influencing me the most. 

Also, take note. I've managed to clean, sit down and drink coffee, think about this topic, and finally, blog about this topic all before I actually tackle the paper itself. 

Okay, Coffee, time to redirect! 

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