Tuesday, August 19, 2014


It turns out, my friend Sarah over at Little Lake Design Studio, has nominated me for a Liebster Award!

Here are my answers to the following questions:

1. What is your favorite part about blogging? 
I love thinking that I can connect with other people on a daily basis, and impact their lives in a positive way.

2. What is your favorite place to buy clothes (for yourself)? 
This is a good one! I think I'll have to go with LOFT. They always have some sort of sale on top of a sale, which has me leave happy every time.

3. What is your dream job? 
I have changed my mind often, but it always has come back to nursing. 
Science wins me over every time!

4. What is your most visited category on Pinterest? 
That would have to be my "For the House" board- or home decorating. My favorite is simply inspiration for any and all rooms in the house.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 
I'm tempted to say southern France. Wine! 

6. What is your favorite snack? 
Potato chips. My achilles heel. 

7. Have you crafted recently? If so, what did you make? 
Yes! I took Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White and painted an old end table for the living room that I had found in a flea market. I distressed it and gave it a shabby look since we have a toddler, and the living room is often unkempt!

8. What do you consider your best quality? 
My ability to listen to others. I'm a good listener, and I don't interrupt ;)

9. What do you find most challenging about blogging? 
Finding that line where being authentic doesn't go too far into sharing too much. 
... and photography! But I'm working on it!

10. Who is your hero in life, and why? 
My mom, because of her crazy strong work ethic, and her intense love for me, my brother, my baby, and my husband. She's literally been through hell and back with three types of cancer, and she still will rise and grind. 
I know she believes in me and is proud of me, and she's all I could ever want in a hero.

*I'm working on finding bloggers with less than 200 followers so I can name them, link them, and provide them with 10 new questions! 

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