Monday, June 16, 2014

Tidying Up

Since my accident on Friday, I've been given some pretty strong prescriptions for my neck and back pain. On Saturday, I slept about 20 hours. Sunday, I slept around 12. Today, I woke up with a good bit of energy. I resolved not to take any medicine until the evening, and as usual, I made some coffee to get the day going.

That had me so wired that I started (actually, finished) projects that I'd been putting off for months.

Pictured below is the way our semi-clean kitchen looked earlier today. I purchased that shelving/counter unit at IKEA when I was about 6 months pregnant, and it originally served the purpose of storage for new baby items for which our kitchen didn't really have the space. Since then, I've shifted things around and it's become a catch-all.


I purchased display frames from IKEA, and a cable/wire display cord that will be featured in the following picture:

Pardon the blurry phone pic, but I just wanted to show what a difference it made to clear the unnecessary clutter, add beautiful photos that tie in many subdued, natural colors, and place a personal touch with the cable that displays Justin's latest Father's Day card.

I have bigger plans for this wall, but until I can execute them, this will certainly do!

Below, is the other kitchen project I knocked out today:

We've had a large wicker basket holding all of Baby Girl's food. It served its purpose, but once again, I had lots of incomplete projects, and this was definitely one of them. For about $10, I was able to create vertical space in the kitchen without taking away from existing storage. Now we can see her food as we prep her meals, and we enjoy just a tad bit more counter space.

This is my beautiful helper.
She loves to dust and be a part of Mommy's cleaning spurts! I couldn't have asked for a more precious kiddo!

Do you have any tricks for creating more counter space, or maybe even hacking some IKEA products?


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