Monday, June 23, 2014

The Minimalism Game

Having started reducing the clutter in our home over the past week, feeling the noticeable difference in my energy and ability to maintain a few spaces, I've decided to play The Minimalism Game. One thing that I've learned from my readings is that the word "minimalism" doesn't refer to a specific set of rules, and it doesn't represent one super-specific, defined lifestyle. Instead, each person can determine for himself/herself what minimalism means, and just how the apply that guiding term to his/her lifestyle.

I have concluded that The Minimalist Game is a way of connecting to others as we all reach for what we determine is our own minimalist lifestyle. I don't even have words for what I think it means for my life, but I do have an image in my head of what I hope my life becomes as a result of reducing the weight of our clutter in our home.

The way it goes is quite simple: on day 1, you get rid of one item. On day 2, two items, and so on. Apparently in the beginning, it seems really easy, but as the month goes on, finding 30 things in one day to get rid of can be a much bigger challenge. I think I'm falling into thinking it's quite easy and that I can probably do this game for the upstairs and downstairs separately (but I won't get ahead of myself!).

To keep on my roll, I started off with the kitchen. I went through every cabinet and drawer and set aside duplicates... too many measuring cups, too many bowls, glassware we never use, and such. Although there are many things I think I could go without from this point forward, I'm setting all of it aside in the garage until the 30 days is up. That way, I can make sure my count is correct, and that come the end of the month, I still haven't missed those items.

Here's what I found in the kitchen, right off the bat--------->

In a very quick description: just a few coffee/tea cups that we never use, wine glasses with stems that are now impractical for us, a couple of plastic pitchers, glass mixing bowls (way too heavy for really using them), glass bakeware which rarely gets chosen over our metal bakeware, measuring spoons/cups, and a couple of knick knacks.

Do you think The Minimalist Game could help you? If you want to do it with me, keep in touch about how it's changing your home life!


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